How to Mix Concrete (DIY)

When it comes to tackling DIY projects around the house, proper concrete mixing is a crucial skill to have in your arsenal. Whether planning to pour a new driveway, create a sturdy foundation, or craft decorative concrete objects, getting the right concrete mix is essential for a successful and long-lasting outcome. This guide will walk you through properly mixing concrete for your DIY endeavors.

Basics of Concrete Mixing

Before you start your DIY concrete project, it’s essential to understand the basics of concrete composition. Concrete is made up of three main components: cement, water, and aggregates (usually sand and gravel). The ratio and quality of these components determine the strength and durability of your concrete.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Cement
  • Water
  • Sand
  • Gravel (or other aggregates)
  • Mixing tools (a wheelbarrow, shovel, or concrete mixer)
  • Protective gear (gloves, safety goggles, and a dust mask)

Step 1: Calculate the Proper Mix Ratio

The first step in mixing concrete is to determine the right mix ratio for your project. The most common mix for general DIY purposes is a 1:2:3 ratio, which means one part cement, two parts sand, and three parts gravel. You can adjust this ratio to meet your specific project requirements, but be sure to maintain the proportion of cement, sand, and aggregates.

Step 2: Gather and Measure Materials

Once you have the correct mix ratio, gather all your materials. Measure the components accurately using a container or a measuring scoop. It’s crucial to be precise to ensure the desired concrete strength and consistency.

Step 3: Combine Dry Ingredients

In a clean, dry container (like a wheelbarrow or a mixing tub), combine the dry ingredients: cement, sand, and gravel. Mix them thoroughly until the mixture appears uniform in color. This dry mix ensures that the wet ingredients will distribute evenly, resulting in a consistent concrete mixture.

Step 4: Add Water Gradually

Now, it’s time to add water to the dry mix. It’s essential to add water gradually and not all at once. Start with a portion of the required amount, and use a shovel or mixing tool to blend it into the dry mixture. Continue to add water gradually and mix until you achieve a workable consistency. Be cautious not to add too much water, as overly wet concrete can lead to weak and porous results.

Step 5: Mix Thoroughly

Mixing concrete thoroughly is the key to a successful DIY project. Combine the ingredients with a shovel, hoe, or concrete mixer. Continue mixing until the concrete is uniform in texture and there are no visible streaks of dry material. Proper mixing ensures that all the components are bound together, which is crucial for strength and durability.

Step 6: Test the Consistency

To ensure you’ve achieved the right consistency, perform a slump test. Create a small mound of mixed concrete and use a trowel to make a small divot in the center. If the concrete slumps into a stable, cone-like shape, it’s at the proper consistency. If it’s too dry, add a little more water; if it’s too wet, add more dry ingredients.

Step 7: Use the Concrete Immediately

Concrete has a limited working time, so use it as soon as it’s ready. Pour or place the concrete into your project area and use tools like trowels or screeds to shape and level it as needed.

Step 8: Cure and Finish

After you’ve placed the concrete, cover it with a curing compound or moist burlap to prevent rapid drying. Proper curing is essential for the concrete to reach its full strength and durability. Follow the curing recommendations for your specific mix.


Mastering the art of concrete mixing is an invaluable skill for any DIY enthusiast. With the right mix ratio, accurate measurements, and careful mixing, you can ensure the success and longevity of your DIY concrete projects. Whether it’s a small decorative piece or a substantial construction task, the principles of proper concrete mixing will serve you well and provide a solid foundation for your DIY endeavors. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your tools, and get ready to create something remarkable with properly mixed concrete.